Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How do I check the clutch fluid level on a 2000 Daewoo Lanos?

Well I determined through Yahoo Answers that the clutch fluid on my vehicle is most likely low, and people recommended that I should check the level. The thing is that I looked under the hood and I don't see anything labeled "clutch fluid" so it must not be obvious, and I have no idea how to do it.

So does anyone know how to check the clutch fluid on my vehicle?|||It might not be labeled, look for the brake master cylinder and it's res, the clutch master cylinder should be next to it, you should be able to see the res. toward's the fender|||It is usually a small container on the firewall near the drivers side closest to the fender. You can use stand DOT 3/4 brake fluid to fill it. Some cars use the reservoir on the brake master as a reservoir for the clutch master and connect it with a tube/hose. It should be around the same spot. Your owners manual will let you know exactly where it is.

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